Sunday, March 15, 2009

three wishes

A friend blogged about this recently and asked for wishes from others. Here are mine:

I wish hate would be eliminated from the world. I understand not everyone is going to get along with everyone (though that would be great). We just weren't made that way. People have different opinions and likes and attitudes. But the feeling of hate towards another is unacceptable. Differences should be celebrated and cherished. How boring would it be if we were all the same? I wish people would take the time to learn about the people they hate and try to understand them rather than judge them. Even if you still completely disagree with someone's choices or beliefs, respect them and yourself enough to accept it and move on. Patience and open-mindedness are keys to accepting others. They are definitely two things I continue to work on in my life daily.

Here are a few quotes on hate... just some food for thought:
"Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated." - Coretta Scott King

"Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated." - George Bernard Shaw

My second wish would be for a happier next 10 years for my family. The amount of drama and hardship my family has gone through the past 4 years was enough for a lifetime. I've been blessed that I have not had any big catastrophe in my life, but watching literally everyone else in my family hurt for the past few years has been heart breaking. For my sister, I wish a speedy and peaceful end to this divorce 2 years in the making. I wish for my nieces to be safe and protected and for others involved to understand that need. For my brother, I wish a lifetime with no more relapse and a bright future with his latest big decision. For my nephew, whom I may never meet, I wish a life full of love and happiness, regardless of who it ends up being with. For my mom, I wish continued strength and health and for her career to turn back around.

My third wish... man, I really don't know. I think I would use my third wish to re-wish my first two to really come true. Can you do that? Either way, I think that's all I could ask for is those two things to happen. Oh, and maybe a guaranteed job after I graduate... lol.

1 comment:

  1. amy, your quote by coretta scott king is so important to understand. personally, i feel a connection to the king family through reading about the movement and living in atlanta my whole life. but even more personally is my connection to some injurious (is that a word?) emotions... judging other people, envying people, and hating hurt the doer so much more than the victim.

    and i think that's so because the judger/hater/envier rarely recognizes their problem, let alone address and overcome it. those who are judged, hated, and envied most often deal with the issue and move on... oh i'm glad we're friends! and that you blogged about this.
