Tuesday, March 17, 2009

happy st. pat's!!

Today is St. Patrick's Day, and it's the first one I've not been home in Savannah for - ever. I have to miss the parade this morning for the first time in 7 years. People up here ("up here" being Kennesaw/Atlanta) don't really understand why that's such a big deal to me. I remember my freshman year talking about going home for St. Patrick's Day and being so excited about it and asking everyone what they were doing for the big day - and people would ask me, "When is St. Patrick's Day again?"!! I couldn't believe that no one else understood my excitement!

Quoted from Wikipedia: Savannah, GA, boasts the unofficial largest attendance with 750,000 in 2006. Unlike other cities, the parade in Savannah takes place on the actual day of Saint Patrick's Day, even if that day is during the work week. ... Since the parade travels through Savannah's Historic Park District, one tradition that has developed has been the official "dyeing of the fountains" which happens several days before the parade. It has also become tradition for women spectators to kiss the Armed Forces Units and other military organization's male members. Savannah does not have an open container law so there is a proliferation of alcohol on River Street, Bay Street and in City Market.

The whole city, as well as the entire surrounding area, shuts down for the
parade. Schools are canceled. People don't go to work. Everyone is at the parade (or at home watching it on TV). It's one of my favorite things about being from Savannah, being able to participate in such a fun, exciting tradition.

Here are some memories and pictures from some past St. Patrick's Day parades:

That's Kristina and I in 2006 with our red lipstick,
getting ready to kiss the military and other service men that were marching in the parade. And then that's me kissing a NY Firefighter from one of the units that responded to 911.

This is a picture of the green dye they spray into the river
. Yes, they actually do dye the river green - it's not a joke! :) And that's a huge leprechaun in the 2006 parade.

Below are some group shots of Parade Day 2007.
I believe this was this year that we were talking to some drunk NYPD guys in City Market and one of them was asking us what we were doing that night, blah blah. We said we were going to a party, and one guy replied, "Well the party's in my PANTS!" And the guy with him, with a straight face, not kidding, said "No, man. The party is in my cheeseburger." Aaand we walked away... lol.

Here's a picture of River Street at just 3pm that day - can you imagine what it looked like that night??

Below is a cr
azy old drunk man from 2008 that stopped in front of us and blew us kisses for a good 3 minutes before moving on... pretty typical. Keep in mind this picture was taken probably around 11:30am and everyone is already so drunk. But I guess that's to be expected when you start drinking at 8am...

And this is me and my 3 best
friends - Annie, Claire, and Kristina - on Parade Day 2008. That's one of my favorite things about the parade, seeing all of my friends from home. We have this one block that we all gather on with our parents. Some of us get there reallly early in the morning, like 6am, to get a spot for us and set up chairs. Drinking begins around 8am, the parade is from 10-12ish, depending on where you are sitting along the route. Then we all start walking towards City Market and Bay and River Street for live music, dancing, drunks, and more drinking. We're all really bummed we couldn't go this year.

Aaaand... my all time favorite parade picture is this one. This is me circa 1989. That's my Uncle Phil rockin' a thick mustache and drinking some green beer from a green mug. I obviously couldn't handle all of the excitement and felt it was a great time to take a nap... in the dirt. Haha. Below, I guess my dad clued in and thought it might be better for him to hold me than leave me in the dirt... Or who knows, maybe that was taken first then he laid me in the dirt..??

Needless to say, anyone that has never been to Savannah to celebrate St. Patrick's Day is missing out! Book your hotel now for 2010 - they fill up fast!

The parade starts in 25 minutes...

Click here to see some news coverage of the day's festivities.

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